This reference contains common terms and definitions to help you find your way around The Things Stack.
- Activation by Personalisation
- (ABP)
- ABP is a LoRaWAN device activation method where join procedure is skipped thanks to pre-configuring Device Address and session keys (NwkSKey and AppSKey) on the device itself. This activation method is less flexible, less secure and less scalable than OTAA, but it can be suitable during demos (to avoid waiting for the device to join the network), for stationary devices or situations where frequent re-activation is impractical.
- Activation Mode
- There are two methods to activate LoRaWAN devices: Over-the-Air Activation (OTAA) and Activation by Personalization (ABP). Search through glossary for details about both methods.
- Adaptive Data Rate
- (ADR)
- ADR is a mechanism that allows adjusting transmission data rate, bandwidth and power based on network conditions, resulting in optimized transmission range, battery life and enhanced network efficiency without needing manual intervention. The ultimate goal of this strategy is balancing between data delivery reliability and resource usage efficiency. ADR is advised to be enabled for stationary devices and disabled for moving ones (like asset trackers).
- ADR ACK delay
- The ADR ACK delay (
) is a configurable parameter which is a part of the ADR back-off mechanism, that refers to the delay before sending an ACK as a response to an uplink from a device. A shorter ADR ACK delay allows quicker transmission confirmation, but may increase the likelihood of collisions in a high-traffic environment.
- ADR ACK limit
- The ADR ACK limit (
) is a configurable parameter which is a part of the ADR back-off mechanism, that refers to the maximum number of attempts made by the Network Server to send an ACK as a response to an uplink from a device. Lowering the ADR ACK limit helps preventing excessive ACK retries that could potentially increase congestion. If device fails to receive ACK within the specified limit, the Network Server may adjust ADR parameters to improve reliability.
- AppEUI
- (JoinEUI)
- In LoRaWAN specifications prior to 1.1, JoinEUI was called AppEUI. Search through glossary for details about JoinEUI.
- Application
- An Application in The Things Stack is a logical entity that enables grouping devices, which can then be managed in bulk. Applications also allow data processing (payload decoding) and integrations with third party IoT platforms, making it easier to build an end-to-end IoT solution.
- Application ID
- (AppID)
- A unique, human-readable identifier of your The Things Stack application.
- Application Key
- (AppKey)
- A device-specific encryption key used during OTAA to derive session keys (AppSKey and NwkSKey). It is usually pre-provisioned by the device manufacturer, but can also be created by the user. It should never be exposed publicly or to unauthorized parties, as it is one of the critical components of ensuring authenticated and secure communication between the device and The Things Stack Network Server.
- Application Session Key
- (AppSKey)
- A unique encryption key dynamically generated during the OTAA procedure and shared between the end device and The Things Stack Network Server. It is used specifically to encrypt and decrypt LoRaWAN payload. It is periodically refreshed in order to minimize the risk of data compromisation.
- Bandwidth
- A bandwidth refers to the width of range of frequencies that is allocated for transmitting data within a specific Frequency Band. LoRaWAN can use channels with a bandwidth of either 125 kHz, 250 kHz or 500 kHz, depending on the region or the Frequency Plan. LoRaWAN networks must adhere to regulatory regulations in order to ensure interference-free operation and local laws compliance. Bandwidth directly affects the data rate and transmission efficiency. A wider bandwidth means higher data rate, but may reduce the range and increase power consumption.
- Beacon frequency
- The class B beacon is sent on a fixed frequency. This value changes the frequency to use in class B beacons. Use the same setting for all end devices using class B in the network. Changing the desired value makes the Network Server transmit the
MAC command.
- Class A
- Class A devices support bi-directional communication between a device and a gateway. Uplink messages (from the device to the server) can be sent at any time (randomly). The device then opens two receive windows at specified times after an uplink transmission. The first receive window (Rx1) is set to 5 seconds and can be modified. The second receive window (Rx2) always comes 1 second after Rx1.
- Class B
- Class B devices extend Class A by adding scheduled receive windows for downlink messages from the server. Using time-synchronized beacons transmitted by the gateway, the devices periodically open receive windows.
- Class B timeout
- Time duration after the last receive window during which the device remains in a listening state for possible downlinks sent from the Network Server. The Network Server waits for the uplink message with acknowledgment (for previously scheduled downlink) to arrive, or for this class B timeout to expire before scheduling next downlink message. This feature enhances responsiveness of Class B devices to downlinks compared to Class A devices. The Things Stack does not schedule MAC commands in class B downlink; the only type of downlink messages that require an uplink message within this timeout are confirmed application data downlink messages.
- Class C
- Class C devices extend Class A by keeping the receive windows open unless they are transmitting. This allows for low-latency communication but is many times more energy consuming than Class A devices.
- Class C timeout
- Time after sending a class C confirmed downlink message to wait for an uplink message with acknowledgment that the confirmed downlink message was received. The Network Server waits for the uplink message with acknowledgment to arrive, or for this class C timeout to expire before scheduling other downlink messages. The Things Stack does not schedule MAC commands in class C downlink; the only type of downlink messages that require an uplink message within this timeout are confirmed application data downlink messages.
- Classes
- The LoRaWAN specification defines three device types, i.e. device classes. All LoRaWAN devices must implement Class A, whereas Class B and Class C are extensions to the specification of Class A devices.
- Data Rate
- (DR)
- Defines how quickly a message is transmitted between the end device and gateway, directly influenced by Bandwidth and SF. It can also be dynamically adjusted through ADR mechanism.
- Data Rate Index
- (DR Index)
- The Data Rate Index is a numerical index which is a combination of the SF and Bandwidth used for transmitting data between end devices and gateways.
- Data Rate Offset
- (DR Offset)
- The Data Rate Offset shifts the device’s DR Index allowing fine-tuning of transmission parameters, without changing the overall DR plan. A positive DR Offset increases the DR Index, resulting in faster data transmission but potentially reducing the range. A negative DR Offset decreses the Data Rate Index, sacrifising transmission speed for increased range. This parameter is utilized by ADR mechanism.
- Device Address
- (DevAddr)
- A 32-bit device identifier, unique within a single LoRaWAN network, assigned by the Network Server during OTAA activation, or pre-configured in ABP devices. DevAddr value is included in header data of all LoRaWAN data messages so the Network Server can uniquely identify the end device.
- Device EUI
- (DevEUI)
- A 64-bit globally unique device identifier. DevAddr is defined by the manufacturer and should not be changed. It should be provided to you by the manufacturer, or printed on the device. DevEUI, along with the AppEUI and AppKey, is used during device activation to securely authenticate and register device on the network.
- Device ID
- A human-readable end device identifier, unique within The Things Stack application.
- Duty Cycle
- Specifies a fraction of a given time window during which a device can actively transmit data. If a single device transmits on a channel for 2 time units every 10 time units, this device has a duty cycle of 20%. Duty cycle is regulated by regional authorities that manage radio spectrum usage in order to minimize interference, so exceeding it could result in facing penalties or restrictions.
- Dwell Time
- The time in which the end device is allowed to transmit data on a single frequency channel, imposed by regulatory authorities to prevent devices from occupying channels for extended time periods. Dwell Time restrictions are configurable; in some regions Dwell Time limitations are optional and in those regions they are disabled by default in The Things Stack.
- Dynamic Channel
- Dynamic channels are additional receive channels used for downlink communication, which enhance reliability and responsiveness of Class B and Class C devices. A Band which uses Dynamic Channels (i.e. EU868) uses a Channel Frequency List (CFList) to communicate channels by frequency.
- Effective Isotropic Radiated Power
- (EIRP)
- The total power radiated by an antenna in a specific direction, relative to the power emitted by an ideal isotropic antenna, measured in dBm. The maximum allowed EIRP differs between regions and is imposed by regulatory bodies in order to manage radio spectrum usage. Antenna power provides a tradeoff between range and battery life, and is one of the crucial components of the ADR mechanism.
- Effective Radiated Power
- (ERP)
- The total power radiated by a real antenna relative to a half-wave dipole antenna.
- End Device
- (Device, Node)
- A sensor or actuator with an embedded low power LoRaWAN communication module.
- Fixed Channel
- Fixed channels are predefined and fixed within the LoRaWAN protocol specification. They are used for both uplink and downlink communication. Devices and gateways must support fixed channels defined for their region to ensure compliance with regulatory standards. A Band which uses Fixed Channels (i.e. US902, AU915) uses a Channel Mask (ChMask) to enable and disable channels.
- Forwarding Network Session Integrity Key
- (FNwkSIntKey)
- A 128-bit encryption key, derived during device activation process, used to calculate all or half of the message integrity code for uplink messages. When a LoRaWAN 1.1 capable device connects to a LoRaWAN 1.0x Network Server, the value of FNwkSIntKey is used as the value of SNwkSIntKey and NwkSEncKey. This key may be periodically refreshed to maintain security.
- Frequency Band
- (Band)
- A Frequency Band is a range of frequencies divided either in to dynamic channels (i.e. EU868) or fixed channels (i.e. US902, AU915). LoRaWAN operates on different Frequency Bands depending on regional regulations and network deployment strategies. The LoRaWAN Regional Parameters define Frequency Bands distribution over geographical areas. Within a Frequency Band, there can be multiple complying Frequency Plans. Devices typically support one or more Frequency Bands in their hardware, and are configured for a particular Frequency Plan as part of activation.
- Frequency Plan
- (FP)
- (Channel Plan)
- A Frequency Plan defines data rates and channels which comply with the LoRaWAN Regional Parameters for a band or geographical area. Devices are configured for a particular Frequency Plan as part of activation, and can use any Frequency Plan within a supported band.
- Gateway
- Gateways form the bridge between End Devices and Network Servers. Devices use low power networks like LoRa to connect to the Gateway, while the Gateway uses high bandwidth networks like WiFi, Ethernet or Cellular to connect to a Network Server.
- Gateway EUI
- A 64 bit extended unique identifier for your gateway. This is programmed by the manufacturer and should not be changed. In cases where it is not programmed by the manufacturer, it must be programmed with a unique EUI that you own.
- Gateway ID
- A unique, human-readable identifier for your gateway.
- Hop Time
- The amount of time needed to change from one frequency to another, in which the radio is not transmitting.
- Integration
- Integrations connect devices to the world, by triggering events whenever a device communicates. The Application server manages integrations using Webhooks or MQTT. These can be as simple as an IFTTT Maker Applet or a visual flow using Node-RED, or as complex as custom code on a server which processes and acts on device data.
- Interval
- The duration between messages.
- ISM Radio Bands
- The Industrial, Scientific, and Medical Bands, most commonly used for low-power and short range telecommunications, such as WiFi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, wireless telephones, RFID, and NFC.
- Join Server
- A Join Server is a component of the LoRaWAN server defined in the LoRaWAN Backend Interfaces. The Things Stack contains a Join Server, which is used by default unless an External Join Server is specified. The Join Server’s role is to store root keys, generate session keys, and to send those securely to the Network Server and Application Server of choice. The device contains the same root keys, which can be provisioned as part of assembly, distribution or upon installation. An External Join Server allows for secure end device provisioning without network lock-in. The owner uses a device claiming procedure to transfer ownership in the Join Server.
- JoinEUI
- The JoinEUI (formerly called AppEUI) is a 64 bit extended identifier that uniquely identifies an application within a LoRaWAN network. It is one of the parameters that play a crucial role in routing and secure communication between the device and the LoRaWAN network. JoinEUI is usually provided by the device manufacturer for pre-provisioned devices, or by the owner of the Join Server used for joining the device on the network.
- Local area network
- (LAN)
- A network that connects computers within a limited area.
- LoRa
- A modulation technology for long range wireless communication, based on chirp-spread spectrum technology.
- LoRa Basics™ Station
- (LBS)
- (Basic Station)
- (Station)
- The LoRa Basics™ Station protocol simplifies management of large scale LoRaWAN networks. LoRa Basics™ Station is the preferred way of connecting Gateways to The Things Stack. Some of the advantages of LoRa Basics™ Station over the legacy UDP Packet Forwarder are: Centralized Update and Configuration Management, TLS and Token-based Authentication, Centralized Channel-Plan Management, and No Dependency on Local Time Keeping.
- LoRaWAN is a media access control (MAC) protocol for wide area networks. It is designed to allow low-powered devices to communicate with Internet-connected applications over long range wireless connections.
- LoRaWAN Version
- The LoRaWAN version is the LoRa Alliance LoRaWAN specification your device conforms to, which defines which Media Access Control features it supports. The LoRaWAN version for your device should be provided by the manufacturer in a datasheet as LoRaWAN version or LoRaWAN specification. The most commonly used LoRaWAN versions are v1.0.2 and v1.0.3. (V2 uses v1.0.2 by default).
- Maximum duty cycle
- The maximum aggregated transmit duty cycle of the end device over all sub-bands. The allowed time-on-air is 1/N where N is the given value, 1 is 100%, 1024 is 0.97%, etc. This value is used for traffic shaping. All end devices must respect regional regulations regardless of this value. Changing the desired value makes the Network Server transmit the
MAC command.
- Maximum EIRP
- The maximum allowed Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP). The end device uses this value as the maximum, it shall never use a higher EIRP, but a lower EIRP is allowed. This value is given in dBm. Changing the desired value makes the Network Server transmit the
- Media Access Control
- (MAC)
- LoRaWAN media access control protocols, downloadable from the LoRa Alliance. The Media Access Control version for your device should be provided by the manufacturer in a datasheet as LoRaWAN version or LoRaWAN specification.
- Network Key
- (NwkKey)
- A device specific encryption key used to derive the FNwkSIntKey, SNwkSIntKey, NwkSEncKey in LoRaWAN 1.1. When a LoRaWAN 1.1 capable device connects to a LoRaWAN 1.0x Network Server which does not support dual root keys (NwkKey and AppKey), the NwkKey value is used as the AppKey value.
- Network Server
- (Backend)
- The Network Server is responsible for routing Internet of Things data between devices and applications.
- Network Session Encryption Key
- (NwkSEncKey)
- A network session key used to encrypt and decrypt MAC commands transmitted on FPort 0, which contain no application payload. When a LoRaWAN 1.1 capable device connects to a LoRaWAN 1.0x Network Server, the value of FNwkSIntKey is used as the value of SNwkSIntKey and NwkSEncKey.
- Network Session Key
- (NwkSKey)
- After activation, this encryption key is used to secure messages which do not carry a payload.
- Over the Air Activation
- (OTAA)
- OTAA is a LoRaWAN device activation method where the LoRaWAN server and the device dinamically negotiate the Device Address and session keys during a join procedure. This activation method is a preferred one, because it offers more flexibility, scalability and better security than ABP.
- Packet Forwarder
- A Packet Forwarder is a program running on a Gateway that receives and transmits LoRa packets, and forwards these packets to and from a Network Server.
- Payload
- A LoRaWAN packet. Application payloads are decrypted data relevant to the application. Gateway payloads are encrypted and include the application payload plus a frame counter and other LoRaWAN data.
- Physical Layer
- (PHY)
- Hardware pertaining to LoRaWAN official regional specifications. The PHY version for your device should be specified in the product documentation as Regional Parameter version.
- Ping slot data rate index
- The class B ping slot uses a fixed frequency and data rate. This value configures the data rate to use in class B ping slots. See LoRaWAN Regional Parameters to find the band’s modulation settings for each data rate index. Changing the desired value makes the Network Server transmit the
MAC command.
- Ping slot frequency
- The class B ping slot uses a fixed frequency and data rate. This value configures the frequency to use in class B ping slots. Changing the desired value makes the Network Server transmit the
MAC command.
- Received Signal Strength Indicator
- (RSSI)
- The received signal power in milliwatts, measured in dBm. This value is used as a measurement of how well the signal is received. RSSI is used in the ADR feedback loop to determine if a signal is being received with enough power to allow the device to increase its data rate and conserve battery. A high RSSI means the device can reduce transmission power and messages will still be received.
- Regional Parameters
- (PHY)
- The Regional Parameters specify frequency, dwell time, and other communication settings for different geographical areas. The Regional Parameters version is the version of the LoRa Alliance specification which your device supports. This should be provided by the device manufacturer in a datasheet.
- Resets FCnt
- Enable this to allow end devices to reset their frame counter (FCnt). This is not LoRaWAN compliant and this is not secure. This is to support ABP end devices that reset their frame counter on a power cycle. Do not use this setting in production.
- RX1 data rate offset
- Used to lower data rate in the first receive window (RX1). When using 0, there is no offset applied. A value higher than 0 reduces the RX1 data rate. See LoRaWAN Regional Parameters to lookup the downstream data rate in RX1 for each offset value. OTAA devices receive the RX1 data rate offset as part of the join-accept. Changing the desired value during an OTAA or ABP session makes the Network Server transmit the
MAC command.
- RX1 delay
- Time in seconds after an uplink transmission until the first receive window (RX1) opens. The second receive window (RX2) opens exactly 1 second after RX1. OTAA devices receive the RX1 delay as part of the join-accept. Changing the desired value during an OTAA or ABP session makes the Network Server transmit the
MAC command.
- RX2 data rate frequency
- The second receive window (RX2) uses a fixed frequency and data rate. This value configures the frequency to use in RX2. Changing the desired value makes the Network Server transmit the
MAC command.
- RX2 data rate index
- The second receive window (RX2) uses a fixed frequency and data rate. This value configures the data rate to use in RX2. See LoRaWAN Regional Parameters to find the band’s modulation settings for each data rate index. OTAA devices receive the RX1 data rate offset as part of the join-accept. Changing the desired value during an OTAA or ABP session makes the Network Server transmit the
MAC command.
- Semtech UDP Packet Forwarder
- (UDP Packet Forwarder)
- The Semtech UDP Packet Forwarder is the first packet forwarder, connecting to servers through the Semtech UDP protocol. Although this protocol has several drawbacks, many gateways include a pre-compiled version of the packet forwarder, which makes it easy to test a gateway with this protocol.
- Serving Network Session Integrity Key
- (SNwkSIntKey)
- A network session key used to calculate all of the message integrity code for downlink messages and half of the message integrity code for uplink messages. When a LoRaWAN 1.1 capable device connects to a LoRaWAN 1.0x Network Server, the value of FNwkSIntKey is used as the value of SNwkSIntKey and NwkSEncKey.
- Signal to noise ratio
- (SNR)
- A measure of signal strength.
- Spreading Factor
- (SF)
- The transmission speed or Data Rate of a LoRaWAN message, ranging from SF7 (highest Data Rate) to SF12 (lowest Data Rate). Making the SF 1 step lower (from SF10 to SF9) allows you to roughly send the same amount of data use half the time on air. Lowering the SF makes it more difficult for the gateway to receive a transmission, as it will be more sensitive to noise.
- Status count periodicity
- Number of uplink messages after which the device status is requested by transmitting the
MAC command. Set to 0 to disable requesting the device status based on the number of uplink messages.
- Status time periodicity
- Interval to request the device status by transmitting the
MAC command. Set to 0 to disable requesting the device status on an interval.
- Tenant ID
- A Tenant ID is given to you by The Things Industries when you register for a Cloud account. Your Tenant ID is part of the URL of your deployment, i.e https://
- The Things Industries (TTI)
- the company primarily responsible for development of The Things Stack and writing documentation. The Things Industries also offers cloud hosted and on-premises private LoRaWAN networks with additional enterprise features, and premium support plans for enterprise clients. If you’re interested in building your own guaranteed uptime enterprise grade LoRaWAN network, send us an email.
- The Things Network (TTN)
- TTN is The Things Network, which is a global collaborative Internet of Things ecosystem that creates networks, devices and solutions using LoRaWAN. The Things Network runs The Things Stack Sandbox, which is a crowdsourced, open and decentralized LoRaWAN network.
- The Things Stack (TTS)
- LoRaWAN Network Server sofware stack. The Things Stack is currently at version 3 of a Network Server implementation, and is therefore also informally known as V3.
- The Things Stack AWS Launcher
- AWS marketplace makes it easy to deploy in one click on new or existing EC2 cluster. Integrates effortlessly with AWS IOT, so you can keep using tools you’re already familiar with.
- The Things Stack Cloud (TTSC)
- SLA backed, highly available, feature rich LoRaWAN network server hosted by The Things Industries.
- The Things Stack Enterprise (TTSE)
- Install the network components on your own hardware, with professional support from The Things Industries.
- The Things Stack Open Source
- For DIY’ers, the core of is The Things Stack is open source. If you want to get your hands dirty and understand how The Things Stack works, clone away and get hacking.
- The Things Stack Sandbox (TTSS)
- Run by The Things Industries, this is a cluster for non-commercial, small scale testing and experimentation, which powers the world’s largest community based LoRaWAN network.
- Wide area network
- (WAN)
- A network that connects within a wide geographical range, usually to the internet.