2.4 GHz LoRa

Start using LoRa® 2.4GHz with The Things Stack. Request free evaluation server, no questions asked

June 24, 2020
By The Things Industries

2.4 GHz LoRa

The Things Industries announces support for LoRa® 2.4GHz in The Things Stack, pushing IoT limits even further in extremely demanding environments. The globally harmonized 2.4GHz frequency enables companies to use their devices across all continents.

A LoRa 2.4GHz network has already been deployed on Wilhelmsen's vessels with the services of The Things Industries, Multitech and Semtech. This network provides the maritime company with a global low-power, easy-to-install and cost-effective IoT solution. Wilhelmsen can now collect more accurate data on a ship's assets, such as the condition of machinery and engines, leaks, environmental measures, asset location, etc. The data can be used to perform preventive maintenance, reducing the risk of ships grounding or incidents and thus reducing costs.

"We already see great interest from the maritime and logistics sector to adopt the new global frequency, enabling low power, long-range communication using the standardized 2.4 GHz channels. We are excited to enable new use cases by supporting 2.4 GHz LoRa in both our open source as well as our enterprise LoRaWAN stack."

Johan Stokking, Tech lead The Things Network & CTO The Things Industries

Start using 2.4GHz with The Things Stack

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