The Things Industries and Connexin deploy LoRaWAN® smart city projects across Coventry and Warwickshire

May 17, 2022
By The Things Industries

The Things Industries and Connexin deploy LoRaWAN® smart city projects across Coventry and Warwickshire

The Things Industries, a global LoRaWAN network server provider, and IoT and smart technology provider Connexin, have won a tender for Severn Trent Water’s smart metering installation project.

The project includes deploying 150K smart meters across Coventry and Warwickshire. The deployment will be implemented by Connexin using Itron smart meters and The Things Industries’ LoRaWAN® Network Server - The Things Stack.

The project aims to provide accurate real-time water usage data to enable more precise billing and reduce the risks of water leakage on physical sites. LoRa connectivity and LoRaWAN® ensures a sustainable indoor and outdoor connectivity, enabling successful data transmission, private network security and fast installation. It is a cost-effective technology for building smart city solutions, as it allows collecting data over large areas and across devices that have battery life of over 10 years.

The data received will allow Severn Trent Water’s systems to assess water consumption within the network and provide a realistic picture of how much water is put into the network to serve customers. From the customer side, it will allow them to be notified about the out of ordinary consumption size and potentially save costs by better understanding their usage levels.

Other examples of smart city projects are:

About The Things Industries The Things Industries is a key provider of enterprise LoRaWAN networks and services, like open source software and hardware projects, LoRaWAN data exchanges, and a suite of developer tools and events to speed up time-to-market. The Things Industries’ LoRaWAN Network Server, The Things Stack, is the most innovative LoRaWAN Network Server that caters to the needs of demanding LoRaWAN deployments, from covering the essentials to advanced security configurations and device life cycle management.

About Connexin Connexin is a technology company specialising in connecting people and things. From fibre and telecoms services to consumers and businesses, to IoT solutions built on LoRaWAN and other network technologies, connecting sensors and existing systems through to its leading IoT platform, ConnexinOS. Connexin is all about enabling building developers and management companies, businesses, utilities, councils, health authorities, communities and individuals to harness the power of data from the connected world to improve the way we all live. Driving efficiencies, social development, health improvements and enabling cities, buildings and communities to become smarter and make decisions that enhance people's lives and improve the planet we all share.

LoRaWAN® is a mark used under the licence from the LoRa Alliance®.

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